Tuesday, October 25, 2005

blind date, the phone calls!

he called friday night. i saw his name on the phone, and i didn't pick up, but he left a message.

he called 2x on saturday, left one message.

i called him sunday. he's very chatty. he says he likes def leppard, and when i tell him i'm a music snob, he says "oh, you like ac/dc then?" i say no and decide not to pursue that avenue of interest. he tells me he's "average looking" and i take that as my cue to rate myself, so i say "i'm not good at rating myself". he says, "well, i mean, looks aren't everything."

he calls again sunday night. i don't pick up, but he leaves a message. he calls me again monday night. i don't pick up. then, later i decide i'm being silly so i return his call, but the line is busy - he doesn't have voice mail or call waiting. later, i discover that he doesn't own a computer. this does not bode well.

tuesday night, i call him. we set up the coffee date. i get him off the phone by claiming "my roommate just pulled dinner out of the oven". so far, the strikes: doesn't let me get a word in edgewise, and then the little i do say, he forgets. he said happy birthday to me two times in one conversation. the music is a big stumbling block. and he's low tech. i know that should be honourable, but i find it annoying. on the plus side, he seems down-to-earth and relaxed. open with the communication.

i'm dreading this "date," but it would be rude to cancel. ...right?

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