Sunday, October 23, 2005

blind date, the horror!

i may have a blind date this week. and i'm really undecided about it. you could even say i'm conflicted. there's a part of me that is insisting that this is all a bad idea. and then there's another part of me that is trying to make me believe that i have nothing to lose. the big 3-0 has finally come to pass, and it seems to have been the cue for a lot of my friends to say "maybe you should consider lavalife".

it feels like forever since i've had a date, and i find myself thinking that relationships just complicate things. i do want to be in a successful relationship and find that person who i'll live happily ever after with. i don't want to be single, but i also don't want to find myself settling with someone who isn't quite right. but i think i'm terrified to try. and i mean, like, therapy terrified.

a woman i work with is setting me up on a date with her neighbour. i just got off the phone with him, and i'm being such a snob. he likes def leppard and motorbikes. when i told him i was a music snob, he said, "oh, do you like ac/dc?" also, he has a truck that he talks about as though it's a child, and he doesn't like to read. can i date that guy? am i being too snobby? we're going for coffee this week, so we'll see how it goes. but i'm dreading it.

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