Monday, February 14, 2005

revenge of the dollar store umbrella

walking to work this morning was a treat. freezing rain and blowing wind. when i wasn't shuffling my feet they were shooting out from under me. my poor umbrella, she get caught in a gust and blow inside out, then she blow back in, then i stopped talking like a fisherman. then the wind blew so hard, that the umbrella closed on my face. when i finally had it propped back open again, it blew sideways and whacked me on the side of the head. then i was splashed by a transfer truck. by the time i got to work, i was wet and cranky and my umbrella was a bundle of torn fabric and broken metal spokes. but in the elevator the pr girl said she'd give me a new umbrella. so, now i have a new brolly. it's big and black and has an insurance company logo on it. but i'm happy.

we also had free pizza at work. good times! i gave out valentines to the folks at work, and they all thought i was
  1. a darling cutiepie
  2. a total nerd
  3. a stalker weirdo
  4. all of the above?
now i'm home and trying to decide what i should do for the evening. i've almost finished the plot against america by philip roth. it's very good, and more than a little creepy. so it'll be nice to move onto something less nazi-ish.

other than that, my weekend was busy. the valentine's party saturday night was a good time. i didn't stay too long, but i was decked all out in pink, the drinks were pink, the treats were pink. very cute. and it was nice to see my friend lily as always. sunday was game day: lord of the rings risk and poker. for about 8 hours! jinkies.

mr. darcy won't stop biting me, so i'm chasing him around with a remote control rat.

current mood: indecisive
current music: whatever's playing on x-posure with john kennedy on xfm

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