Saturday, February 05, 2005


long time no blog. it's been a busy week.

monday: just a normal day of people calling and being angry. actually, it was a rough one.
tuesday: i got my hair done. it looks good, but the guy was a total perfectionist. cutting every little strand. it took 3 hours. i shit you not. the best part was this cute turkish guy named samir who gave me a head massage.
wednesday: i went out for beer with a co-worker, which was nice, because we got to vent about work.
thursday: i went to the thee-ay-ter to see a street car named desire with my friend kristen. we're quite a pair i tell ya. when we walked in, i accidentally pulled a fake fern out of a flower pot with my coat and kristen leaned forward to talk to the teller and whacked her forehead on the glass. we're all about elegance.
friday: worked on building my web knowledge, drinking wine and eating cheese.

this week we've had my friend's cat clarence staying with us. he's mr. darcy's sleep over buddy. they're very cute together, except when i wake up and can hear them grooming each other on my pillow. slurp slurp slurp. right now they're staring at each other from across the room. but they're chillin' like villains. i'll try to get a pic of them on here sometime soon. i need a digicam!

current mood: glad that it's 0 degrees
current music: white stripes, de stijl

1 comment:

Miss Wired said...

Can't wait for the pics of the cats! Nice blog BTW. :D