well, here are my boys, together in a photo. it isn't the most "together" photo. more of a snap and dash. darcy looks like if he has one more picture taken he's going to smash the camera, and bingley looks like he hasn't quite figured out where he is yet. they're pretty cute. i feel sad for my friend chris missing his cat, and i know i'd be sad without mine, even when they wretch up hairballs like tumbleweed and lick their arses all day long and cry in the middle of the night because it's time to play and bite me when i don't wake up fast enough. what would i ever do without them?
ah, the long-suffering look of cats who recognize they must endure such excesses of human love in order to justify their food bowl.
I do think you're right, however -- Bingley at this very moment is thinking "the bees are on the what, now?"
I rest my case: see above
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